Q&A: Plant Journeys with @theplantvisual

Q&A: Plant Journeys with @theplantvisual

Mish (@theplantvisual) is an eco-conscious plant parent based in California where she shares plant care tips as well as her journey of practicing socially conscious purchasing. Our WallyGro planters were a perfect fit for her, being made of 100% recycled post-consumer plastics! Read on to hear her thoughts on the Loop, her favorite plant, and her experience as a cat owner on coexisting with plants & cats!

Many thanks to our interviewer, Elise!



Why did you start your IG account dedicated to bright, curated images of your gorgeous plants?I started my page as a photo album to document my plant collection. I had no expectations when I began this journey but I’m so grateful to have met a great group of amazing plant friends from around the world! When it is safe again, I look forward to plant swaps and plant shop crawls!



As a cat parent, do you prevent your cat from eating or disturbing your plants? Any tricks we should know?Mellow is such an exuberant and curious cat. He’s never had any interest in plants, which was a surprise and a relief. I got really lucky (so I thought); fast forward two years and he’s starting to take interest in them. I’ve caught him swatting the bigger plant leaves from time to time. Seeing that nearly gave me a heart attack! I’ve since moved those plants to areas that are harder for him to get to. I’ve also increased playtime with Mellow to tire him out, he especially loves chasing after the laser pointer. I’m happy to report that there have not been any plant casualties.


Tell us about your Rose Loop install! How did you make your plant choices? How did you decide on a location?I paired the Rose Loop planters with Caladiums because the pink compliments the vibrant colors of the Caladium foliage. Another reason I chose to pair Caladiums with these planters is because these plants can be tricky in terms of watering, and with the 360° no-leak drainage & aeration design of the Loop, I won’t have to worry about overwatering. I decided to install them on an accent wall in the bedroom where it gets bright light, which is perfect for Caladiums. I also enjoy seeing them first thing in the morning when I wake up.



What is your favorite plant and least favorite plant, and why?My favorite plant…. This is probably one of the most difficult questions to answer! My current favorite plant is the Anthurium Crystallinum, because I’m in complete awe of how gorgeous the velvety leaves are; not to mention she survived a really bad fall from a plant shelf and came out unscathed! My least favorite plant(s) are Calatheas. I’ve just never had luck with these plants for whatever reason and so I’ve completely given up on them for now; maybe one day I’ll give them another try. 



Want to get the look? Shop Loop hanging planters here!

Thanks to Mish for sharing her story and her methods with us! See her work online:

Instagram: @theplantvisual