Plant Projects To Do At Home
Hello, plant friends and family. We know that times are tough right now across the globe, and many of our partners and plant-loving community are trying to stay home as much as possible. During these strange times, we dearly want to help raise your spirits and provide some inspiration for your next project - something you and your loved ones can do at home to bring joy in an otherwise odd time.
Here are some ideas for including plants in your new home routine. After doing these, you’ll have some of the best-looking plants on the block, too! Just think of this as your rainy day guide to plants.
1. Pruning (Plant Care is Self Care)
We know, pruning might not be the most glamorous topic, but hear us out: picking leaves and tidying up your beloved plant is both crazy relaxing and gratifying. Whether you have dead leaves you need to remove, or it’s just time to primp your plant friends by cutting them back for a fresh and compact look, this is a great time to tackle it. You will be left with beautiful, fresh-looking plants that elevate your space (and your spirits)!
2. A Family Fest
Garden together with your family, using this blog post as a starting guide. It’s the perfect activity to get the whole family out of the house (just to your backyard, don’t worry!) to create a positive memory. Plus, each time you look at your family install, you can think of that happy moment outside. We hope it will keep you smiling for years to come!
3. Home Office Makeover
Chances are, you could be working remotely these days, and we hope you’re settling in well, whether you’re working off of your coffee table, turning your guest room into an office, or using your kitchen table as your new workstation. Think about things to help get you into work mode - such as office supplies, a playlist (if you work well with music) and even a little office decor, such as… you guessed it, plants! Here’s a great article to help you choose plants for your new office digs.
4. Take a Minute for a Feel-Good Plant Story
Everyone loves a feel-good story, and comforting news is just what we need right now. We rounded up a few of our faves:
Ethiopia Plants 350 Million Trees to Fight Deforestation
How Your Food Waste Becomes Plant Food
Teens for Food Justice Launch Latest Farm Set to Grow 10,000 Pounds of Produce This Year
Slow Food NYC: Urban Harvest at Ujima Farm
5. Eat Green
Try taking this time to experiment with cooking - especially plant-based meals! Whether you’re already on a plant-based diet or not, check out these easy recipes.
6. Clippings For All
If you did #1, this project is perfect for you. What to do with all those clippings you took from your now-rejuvenated plants? Give at a distance. First, make sure your hands are clean (or better yet, wear gloves), then gift them by leafing (pun intended) nodes on friends’ porches or at your neighbors’ doors if you live in an apartment community. We recommend wiping down leaves and stems, and attaching a note for reference or a guide on how to plant these little fronds!
7. Create a Zen Zone
Your time, your space, just for you (just reading that makes us feel good inside!). Now is your time to either create a zen zone for yourself if you don’t have one, or spruce up the one you already have. Here’s the great news - you don’t need a lot of room for a zen zone. But when creating this ‘you’ space, be mindful of items that make you feel peaceful, whether it’s plants, a nice painting, a certain fragrance, or even sound. These are spaces to relax in or just hang out in when you need to take a few minutes for a short nap or to read a good book.
8. Plan a Party (For Later)
Plan a party… for after quarantine, that is. We know you can’t wait to get back to normal life, so take advantage of this downtime to dream up a way to celebrate when this is all over. Our suggestion? Try a plant swap party! Homestead Brooklyn has fantastic advice on plant swapping.
9. Do Some Spring Cleaning & Repot Your Plants
Another great downtime activity is to repot and clean your planters, whether it’s our wall planters or more traditional options. It’s spring, and your plants will be starting to wake up and grow after a dormant winter, so you may find that they’re about ready for an upgrade, anyway! We have an excellent guide to repotting for you to check out. If you’re repotting Wally Eco planters, Phillyfoliage made a great video showing how he replanted his wall. This activity doesn’t just leave you happy with sparkling-clean planters - your plants will be happy in their new homes too!
10. Make New Friends (Online)
Meet new plant friends, virtually, that is! Here are a few ways:
- Check out the Q&A section of our blog to get tips and tricks on plants, design and more from some of our plant friends. I’m sure these folks would love to hear from you!
- Start a plant community of your own by making your own group on social media. Make it private for friends or family, or public to branch out to potential new friends worldwide.
- Listen to a plant podcast like Bloom and Grow Radio to get to know a planty podcaster or two, or even start your own.
- Start your own plant Instagram account, sharing your favorite plant babes and your own tricks of the trade with the plant-loving community!
11. Start a (Plant) Club
Social interaction is still important to our mental health, so use the zen zone you created to organize a digital club. Many content providers like Audible, Hulu, Netflix, and more offer free trials that you can use to choose a book to read or listen to, a movie or plant-related documentary at the same time as friends and family. Afterwards, talk about it face-to-face using FaceTime or Skype - who knows, you might like it so much you'll continue it in person down the road!
Need new plants? Check out a list of our global plant partners. Small business owners appreciate the support in these trying times. It’s even worth a shot to ask if you can do a curbside pickup order of plants! It’s also worth looking into some of these plant delivery services.
As always, should you ever have any questions on how to plant our planters, email us at hello@wallygro.com.
Virtual hugs to all!